Staying Safe & Well - Insight Timer
Clare McGinley, our Yoga Teacher talks about Insight Timer:
“There are a lot of meditation and mindfulness apps out there. In my quest to deal with stress and anxiety, I have tried quite a few!
Insight Timer has thousands of free meditations/relaxation/mindfulness/yoga techniques, but it can be quite overwhelming to know where to start.
Here are some I have found helpful and why I like them:”
Short Meditations
- Andrew Johnston – Excellent for breathing and body scanning
- Tom Evans – A good morning meditation
- Loch Kelly – Very yoga-based
- Celia Roberts – Describes the effects on your brain – particularly helpful for those with a headache!
Sleep and Waking
- Jennifer Piercy
- Yoga Nidra – Deep Sleep
- Morning – Waking Up
Longer Contemplative
- John Siddique – Great for relaxing and reflecting
Dealing With Pain
- Vidayamala Burch – Engaging and very accessible
Great for Children
- Andy Hobson
For more information on Insight Timer, visit www.insighttimer.com/en-gb.