Carers of West Dunbartonshire
Carers of West Dunbartonshire is an independent, voluntary organisation which is managed by a voluntary Board of Directors. The service works in partnership with West Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership.
Who is an Unpaid Carer?
An unpaid carer is someone of any age that looks after and supports a family member or friend who, due to their disability, illness, frailty or addiction, would not otherwise be able to live independently at home.
Carers can be affected financially, emotionally, and physically by their caring role, and many carers receive little support.
Under the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016, unpaid carers have certain rights, including the right to an Adult Carer Support Plan (Young Carer Statement for those under the age of 18). An Adult Carer Support Plan identifies the support you need as a carer and what is important to you alongside your caring role. More information on how this is conducted in West Dunbartonshire can be found under ‘Our Services’ or visit: www.wdhscp.org.uk/carers/adult-carer-assessment-and-support-plan/.
Who Are We?
Carers of West Dunbartonshire is an independent organisation, providing support to adult unpaid carers looking after someone in West Dunbartonshire. We offer a wide variety of support to carers, from advice and information, to short breaks and replacement care. More information on the services we provide is available under ‘Our Services’.
We work closely with West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership and our organisation is governed by a Board of Trustees.
You’ll find us at 41 Kilbowie Road, Clydebank, G81 1BL. Our office is open Mon – Fri, 9:30am – 4:30pm (excluding bank holidays). Our team work on a hybrid basis between our office and home working. Individual staff contact details can be found on our ‘Meet the Team’ page. A duty worker is available during our opening hours for any help and support you may need.
If you are a carer looking after someone in West Dunbartonshire and would like support, there are a number of ways you can get in touch:
• Call us on 0141 941 1550
• Email us at clydebankcc@carerswd.org
• Make a referral via our website
PLEASE NOTE: We accept both self-referrals and referrals made by professionals with the carer’s permission. The cared for person must reside in West Dunbartonshire for carers to access our services.
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to make a positive difference to the lives of carers. We do this in partnership with the local statutory agencies and other voluntary organisations. The key to our work is to provide a range of flexible services which will support carers with their caring role in the most positive, healthy and knowledgeable manner.