Services - Positive Tracks Project
Positive Tracks
Positive Tracks provides support to carers who are age 65+ years, and who are looking after an older relative or friend. With an aging population and increasing demand on health and social care services, supporting older carers better is a key way of helping people to stay in their own home. It can also help to reduce unplanned hospital admissions and avoid premature admission to long-term care. The project aims to:
- Identify older carers as early as possible
- Ensure that older carers are aware of their rights to an Adult Carer Assessment and Support Plan
- Provide access to services which can help them to sustain their caring role
Many older carers are often providing long hours of vital care and support which can be having an adverse affect on their own health and wellbeing. It can result in poor physical and mental health, financial strain, and a breakdown in their ability to carry on caring. Older carers are more likely to be managing their own health problems which can make their caring role all the more demanding and stressful.
Positive Tracks provides:
- One-to-one support from the project’s Carer Support Worker
- Emotional support
- Access to a range of services which support older carers
To find out more, contact Heather on 0141 941 1550 or email
Download The Positive Tracks Leaflet – DOWNLOAD