Services - Money Matters
Carers are more likely to suffer poverty than those who are not in a caring role. We have a number of ways to help you with money issues, including:
- Sourcing and applying for grants on your behalf
- Referral for benefit maximisation check
The benefits system can be complicated and like many people, carers often lose out on the benefits which they are entitled to. Our Carer Support Team can advise you on the main benefits which are relevant to you or the person that you are caring for, e.g Carers’ Allowance. We can assist you with form filling, which many people find time-consuming and confusing. Our team work closely with the local Welfare Rights team (Working4U) and West Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau, and will signpost you to them when necessary.
See our Useful Resources Section for contact information of organisations offering financial support.