Services - Hospital Discharge
Discharge from hospital is a process that carers should be involved in from the earliest point. It is important that all elements of the patient’s support system (the carer, the hospital, primary and community care services) work together to achieve the best outcome for both the cared for person and the carer.
The Carers’ Hospital Discharge Project is a partnership between Carers of West Dunbartonshire and West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership. By working together, we want to ensure that carers:
- Are identified as early as possible
- Are made aware of their rights to assessment and support
- Have access to services which can help
If the person that you look after is being discharged from hospital, you should not be put under pressure to accept a caring role or take on more than you feel you can do. The Carers’ Hospital Discharge Worker is very experienced in supporting carers and works closely with the Hospital Discharge Team in West Dunbartonshire. There are many ways in which the project can help you, including:
- Providing an advocacy role to help put your views across
- Carrying out an Adult Carer Assessment and Support Plan (ACASP) with you
- Giving you information and helping you or the person you care for to access services
- Providing ongoing support
If you wish to talk to the Hospital Discharge Worker, contact Bernadette on 0141 941 1550 or email
Download the Hospital Discharge Leaflet – DOWNLOAD